Qalb El Asad

Cast : Mohamad Ramadan, Hureya Farghali Director : Kareem Al Subky R/T : 116mins Genre & Rating : Action Thriller /PG Format : 16x9 Language : Arabic Subtitle : English


Mohamad Ramadan’s action-thriller Qalb El Asad tells the story of the tough, self-reliant Fares, who was kidnapped as a child and raised at the circus among lions and tigers. In need for money, Fares carries out a simple robbery that turns his life upside down and he finds himself working as an undercover agent to help the police arrest an illegal arms dealer.


Action-packed Qalb El Asad topped the box office and came first in terms of box office success beating out its competitors with gross revenues of 17 million EGP, 10 million of those made in its first week in theatres. Qalb El Asad features lead actor Mohamad Ramadan, awarded the best talented nationwide young actor three years in a row.

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