Nabil Al Gamil Akhisaay Tagmil

  • Cast

    : Mohamad Henedy-Nour-Rahma Ahmed Farag

  • Director

    : Khaled Marei

  • R/T

    : 94mins

  • Genre & Rating

    : Comedy/PG

  • Format

    : 16x9

  • Language

    : Arabic

  • Subtitle

    : English


Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Nabil, who runs a beauty clinic, encounters several entertaining scenarios every day while dealing with patients who are obsessed with plastic surgery.


Comedy star Mohamad Henedy dominated the box office revenues in Gulf countries and Egyptian theaters since the movie premiere and held the top spot for the three weeks running. In an engaging comedic setting, a light comedy addresses society's fascination with plastic surgery


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