
  • Cast

    : Omar Al Atawi-Azzam Nemr-Toleen Barbood

  • Director

    : Abu Bakr Shawky

  • R/T

    : 120mins

  • Genre & Rating

    : Drama, Adventure/PG

  • Format

    : 16x9

  • Language

    : Arabic

  • Subtitle

    : English


After his brother tragically dies on a camel race track, Matar, a young orphan, tries to avenge his death and build his own name.


Egyptian film “Shad Agzaa” earned the highest revenues over the Eid Al-Fetr holiday 2015, stealing the spotlight from its rivals and generating half of the total take earned by the five films released at the same time.

The action drama starring the famous Mohammad Ramadan reportedly generated 12.5 million Egyptian pounds, while the other four Eid films generated a combined 12.5 million pounds.



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